Every step, every turn, every movement a horse makes, he uses his muscles. Your horse has a lot of muscles, 700 skeletal muscles to be exact. (ompare that to around 300 in the human body.) Horses are built for movement so your horse's muscles must remain strong and healthy. Nutritional support is a powerful way of supporting a horse's muscle health. Proper nutrients actually produce the fuel your horse’s muscles need. Equitop Myoplast is a nutritional supplement to stimulate the muscle building and recovery of your horse. It's a unique supplement that has been used and recommended by top riders and leading veterinary horse specialists since 1998.

What is Equitop Myoplast
Equitop Myoplast is a unique amino acid supplement designed to support healthy lean muscle growth. Created from a combination of 18 amino acids derived from spirulina, including 9 essential amino acids to support lean muscle growth. Equitop Myoplast is presented in a sugar-coated pearl granule which horses love and is suitable for all horses. It has been tested free of doping relevant substances.
What does it do?
Horses need amino acids for healthy muscles. These amino acids are the natural building blocks of the proteins which form muscles. Besides, they help to repair damaged muscle tissue. There are many amino acids that horses can produce themselves, but by far the most amino acids need to be extracted from food. These are called the essential amino acids. Even with a high-protein diet there is still a chance that your horse will not absorb enough amino acids. If a horse’s diet is lacking in any amino acids, their athletic performance may be impacted. When the amino acids are in balance, the muscles will respond better to training. The time of recovery after training will also decrease considerably.
Unlike many supplements and diets which use a combination of fats and oils to promote weight gain, Equitop Myoplast focuses solely on muscle growth. Unique to Equitop Myoplast are the easily absorbable, pearly granules. This ensures that your horse can get the most out of the important ingredients. Also, constant quality can be guaranteed through the special preparation process.
When do you give your horse Equitop Myoplast
There are key times when the use of Equitop Myoplast is highly recommended. For example, when one of the following situations affects your horse:
- During periods of intensive training, when you are in competition
- Getting your horse back into shape at the beginning of the season or when you are bringing horses into work after a period of rest
- When you have a young horse entering training
- During rehabilitation – when you do not want your horse to drop muscle and don’t want an increase of calories
- When you have a broodmare or senior horse who are lacking protein
- For horses who have difficulties maintaining condition
- When your horse has sore (back) muscles
- With horses that are difficult to ride and when performance is reduced due to insufficiently developed musculature
Feeding Equitop Myoplast
Equitop Myoplast is presented in a sugar-coated pearl granule which horses love and are suitable for all horses. It has been tested free of doping relevant substances and can, therefore, be safely administered before or during competitions.
Equitop Myoplast can easily be mixed with the daily feed or can be given separately. It is recommended that Equitop Myoplast is fed to your horse for at least 2 months. One scoop is to be fed to your horse twice a day, One during the morning, and one in the evening.
Professional opinions
Leading veterinarians like David Platt FRCVS, Tony Warr BVSc BSc MRCVS and Ben Portus BVSc BSc MRCVS, say it's important to support efficient muscle repair and recommend feeding Equitop Myoplast to a lot of their clients. Also, leading riders love Equitop Myoplast and using it for many years to support their horses that compete at a high (International) level.
I have used Equitop Myoplast for several years and I believe it really supports muscle growth in my young horses and also my older horses who are competing at a high standard all year round." Scott Brash - International Show Jumper
Equitop Myoplast is an important and vital part of my horses’ management. It makes sense that if an animal is over 50% muscle we need to ensure that they have the building blocks to grow and maintain this. Equitop Myoplast provides these building blocks and muscle and athletic performance go hand in hand. " Nicole Pavitt - International Show Jumper
I’ve used Equitop Myoplast and Seraquin GLME in my horses for some time and simply wouldn’t use anything else to support their muscle growth and joints." William Whitaker - Show jumper
Power pearl effect
To see actual results with your horse you need to feed Equitop Myoplast for at least four weeks. To assess the effect of Equitop Myoplast you can look at improvements in your horse's movement; from the up and down motion of a trot to a flowing canter, muscularity, willingness to work and overall condition.
Discover Equitop Myoplast in our webshop right away!